Postdoc Scott Taylor talks at U. of Rochester
Postdoc Scott Taylor just gave a departmental seminar at the University of Rochester: Temporal genomic analysis of a moving avian hybrid zone. EEB Seminar Series. University of Rochester
Postdoc Scott Taylor just gave a departmental seminar at the University of Rochester: Temporal genomic analysis of a moving avian hybrid zone. EEB Seminar Series. University of Rochester
Congratulations to postdoc Scott Taylor and his co-authors for another paper resulting from his PhD research at Queen’s University: Boutilier S, Taylor SA, Morris-Pocock JA, Lavoie R, Friesen VL. 2014. Evidence for genetic differentiation among Caspian tern (Hydroprogne caspia) populations in North America. Conservation Genetics 15: 275-281.
Congratulations to postdoc Scott Taylor and his co-authors for another paper resulting from his PhD research at Queen’s University: Jeyasingham W, Taylor SA, Zavalaga CB, Simeone A, Friesen VL. 2013. Specialization to cold water upwellings facilitates gene flow in seabirds: additional evidence from the Peruvian pelican, Pelecanus thagus (Aves: Pelecanidae).…
Nick presents a talk on his epic tanager comparative research at the AOU/COS meeting: Mason, N.A., A.J. Shultz, and K.J. Burns. August 2013. Combining museum and media collections to study multimodal sexual signaling and acoustic adaptations in tanagers (Thraupidae). Joint Annual Meeting of the American Ornithologists’ Union and the Cooper Ornithological Society. Chicago,…
Warmest of congratulations to the former Petra Deane and Kirsten Coe on their marriage today, and on their utterly charming wedding celebration! PS, We all think that their new name of Deane-Coe is probably a good choice over the alternative ordering…
Congratulations to postdoc Leo Campagna and his co-authors on their new paper resulting from Leo’s PhD research: Campagna L, Silveira LF, Tubaro PL, Lougheed SC. 2013. Identifying the sister species to the rapid capuchino seedeater radiation (Sporophila, Passeriformes). The Auk 130: 645-655.
Leo comes to our group from his PhD on Sporophila seedeaters in his native Argentina, and from a postdoc closer at hand in the Loougheed Lab at Queens University. Leo will be continuing to work on that rapid avian radiation using genomic approaches to understanding its history and process of…
Postdoc Scott Taylor just presented a poster at: Taylor SA, White TA, Curry R, Lovette I. Temporal Variation in Selection and Introgression Across a Rapidly Moving Hybrid Zone. American Genetic Association Annual Symposium. 2013.
Nick Mason just returned from a successful research trip to the Imperial Valley of California, where he was studying local adaptation in horned larks.
Scott just presented a talk on his chickadee hybridization studies: Taylor SA, Hochachka W, White T, Curry R, Lovette I. Climate Mediated Movement of an Avian Hybrid Zone. Society for the Study of Evolution. 2013. Snowbird, Utah. June 21-25. Talk.
Congratulations to Scott and his co-authors for another paper resulting from his PhD research at Queen’s University: Taylor SA, Morris-Pocock JA, Tershy BR, Castillo-Guerrero JA, Friesen, VL. 2013. Genetic evidence for hybridization between brown (Sula leucogaster) and blue-footed (S. nebouxii) boobies in the Gulf of Mexico. Marine Ornithology 41: 113 –…
Congratulations to postdoc Scott Taylor for being awarded a 6-month postdoctoral fellowship from the Center for Comparative and Population Genomics (3CPG)!
Congratulations to Scott and his co-authors for another paper resulting from his PhD research at Queen’s University: Taylor SA, Anderson DJ, Friesen VL. 2013. Evidence for asymmetrical gene flow of nuclear loci, but not mitochondrial loci, between a seabird species pair. PLoS ONE. 8(4): e62256.