Nick on tanagers at AOU

Nick presents a talk on his epic tanager comparative research at the AOU/COS meeting: Mason, N.A., A.J. Shultz, and K.J. Burns. August 2013. Combining museum and media collections to study multimodal sexual signaling and acoustic adaptations in tanagers (Thraupidae). Joint Annual Meeting of the American Ornithologists’ Union and the Cooper Ornithological Society. Chicago,…

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Dan Baldassarre wins another award!

Congratulations to Dan for winning the Cooper Ornithological Society Board of Directors Award for Best Student Paper entitled “Experimental evidence that extra-pair mating drives asymmetrical introgression of a sexual trait” at the 131st Stated Meeting of the American Ornitholgists’ Union/83rd Annual Meeting of the Cooper Ornithological Society in Chicago.

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