Kathryn G. wins thesis award!
Congratulations to Kathryn Grabenstein for being awarded the Cynthia Kagarise Sherman Award for Best Undergraduate Thesis in Behavior by the Neurobiology & Behavior department faculty!
Congratulations to Kathryn Grabenstein for being awarded the Cynthia Kagarise Sherman Award for Best Undergraduate Thesis in Behavior by the Neurobiology & Behavior department faculty!
Congratulations to Dan for being awarded the Cornell College of Arts and Sciences Dean’s Prize for Distinguished Teaching for his Lab of Ornithology-sponsored First-year Writing Seminar entitled: “Flock and Awe: Extreme Ornithology”!
Congratulations to long-time lab group member Marjorie Weber for being awarded the Center for Population Biology Postdoctoral Fellowship at UC Davis. We will all miss you!
Congratulation to graduate student Sahas Barve for being awarded a Sigma Xi Grant in Aid of Research for his studies of elevational adaptation in Himalayan birds.
Warmest congratulations to Dan Baldassarre for being awarded an NSF Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Biology to study evolution of blood-feeding in the vampire finch in Dr. J. Albert C. Uy’s lab at the University of Miami. We will miss you but hope to catch up with you in the Galapagos!
Congratulations to graduate student Marjorie Weber for winning the Ed Rickets Award for Outstanding Student Presentation at the American Society of Naturalists meeting in Asilomar, CA for her talk “The Evolutionary Ecology of Plant Traits that Mediate Defense Mutualisms.”
Congratulations to grad student Holly Lutz for being awarded a year-long fellowship for collaborative work, the Lester Armour, William A. & Stella Rowley Fellowship from the Field Museum of Natural History.
Congratulations to Dan for winning the Cooper Ornithological Society Board of Directors Award for Best Student Paper entitled “Experimental evidence that extra-pair mating drives asymmetrical introgression of a sexual trait” at the 131st Stated Meeting of the American Ornitholgists’ Union/83rd Annual Meeting of the Cooper Ornithological Society in Chicago.
Undergrauuate Taylor Heaton has been awarded an NSF-supported award from the Cornell Biology Research Fellow program for her studies of gull behavior at Shoals Marine Lab in collaboration with our Lab colleague Dr. David Bonter.
Undergraduate Kate Bemis has been selected as National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Ernest F. Hollings Scholar: http://www.oesd.noaa.gov/scholarships/hollings.html#page=timeline
Congratulations to postdoc Scott Taylor for being awarded a 6-month postdoctoral fellowship from the Center for Comparative and Population Genomics (3CPG)!
Congratulations to Dan for winning the Alexander Wilson Student Presentation Award for his talk on “Experimental evidence that extra-pair mating drives asymmetrical introgression of a sexual trait” at the 125th Annual Meeting of the Wilson Ornithological Society in Williamsburg, VA.