Stepfanie on SAD in Science

Grad student Stepfanie Aguillon’s personal essay describing her experiences with seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is out today in the Working Life series in Science Careers. In it, Stepfanie calls attention to this issue that affects a surprisingly large fraction of people.

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Natalie wins Cornell’s Cook Award!

Natalie received the Cook Award yesterday from Cornell’s Office of Development and Diversity, which recognizes her “commitment to women’s issues” and her “contribution to changing the climate for women at Cornell.” Natalie’s service as former president of the Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Graduate Student Association and current president of Graduate Women in…

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Pablo Lavinia and Darío Lijtmaer on flatbill and tanager evolution

Pablo Lavinia and Darío Lijtmaer visited the Fuller Evolutionary Biology lab in 2016 and 2018 to work on various projects. This phylogeographic study on the Large-headed Flatbill (Ramphotrigon megacephalum) and the Fawn-breasted Tanager (Pipraeidea melanonota) explores how species with different ecologies have responded to environmental barriers in the Neotropics.  …

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Sebastián Cabanne on foliage-gleaner phylogeography

Sebastián Cabanne visited the Fuller Evolutionary Biology lab in 2014 and 2016. In this publication in Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution he explores the history of connectivity between two forest biomes in the Neotropics, the Andean and Atlantic forests, through the phylogeographic patterns of the Buff-browed Foliage-gleaner (Syndactyla rufosuperciliata). This species…

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Daniel’s new MolEcol paper on chromosomal inversions in an Australian finch hybrid zone

A paper lead-authored by postdoc Daniel Hooper is out now in Molecular Ecology where you can read about how ‘Sex Chromosome Inversions Enforce Reproductive Isolation Across An Avian Hybrid Zone’. This paper, focused on the hybrid zone in northern Australia between subspecies of the long-tailed finch (Poephila acuticauda), is one…

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