Postdoc Scott Taylor awarded 2(!) fellowships

Congratulation to Scott twice over! In quick succession, Scott has been awarded two highly prestigious postdoctoral fellowships from the Canadian government: first a two-year NSERC fellowship, which shortly thereafter he had to decline when he was awarded an even more competitive two-year Banting Fellowship. Scott thereby becomes one of only…

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Laura Stenzler retires

Our entire lab community (past and present) extends great thanks and warmest wishes to Laura, who is retiring today after having served as the manager of the Fuller Evolutionary Biology program since its inception. In the intervening years, Laura has trained hundreds of students and contributed to dozens of research…

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new paper by Leo on Rufous-collared Sparrows

Congratulations to postdoc Leo Campagna and his co-authors on their new paper resulting from Leo’s PhD research: Campagna L, Kopuchian C, Tubaro PL, Lougheed SC. 2014. Pleistocene divergence, range expansion, and secondary contact followed by gene flow between mitochondrial lineages of a widespread Neotropical songbird (Zonotrichia capensis). Biological Journal of…

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Postdoc Scott Taylor on kinglets

Congratulations to postdoc Scott Taylor and his co-authors for another paper resulting from his PhD research at Queen’s University: Burg T, Taylor SA, Lemmen K, Gaston AJ, Friesen VL. 2014. Postglacial population differentiation potentially facilitated by a flexible migratory strategy in golden-crowned kinglets (Regulus satrapa). Canadian Journal of Zoology 92: 163-172.

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