Welcome to Milene Gaiotti
A warm welcome to Minene, who is visiting the Cornell through September and working in our lab on paternity analyses. Milene is a PhD candidate at the Universidade de Brasilia (Brazil), where her dissertation project is on the social behavior, evolution, and conservation of a (very cool! and beautiful!) endangered…
Back from Galapagos…
Irby just returned from the Galapagos after helping to lead the 2015 ‘Galapagos Curriculum’ for 12 Cornell freshmen, in partnership with grad students Nick Mason and Lina Arcila. As the students returned to campus, Irby stayed on to lead two very fun voyages around the archipelago for Lab of Ornithology…
Stepfanie gets a grant for flicker hybrid zone genomics
Ben and Alexa teach our first-ever Advanced Tropical Ornithology course
Grad student Ben Freeman and postdoc Alexa Class are in the final week of teaching Cornell’s first-ever Advanced Tropical Ornithology course this semester to a group of juniors and seniors, including a very successful expedition to Costa Rica over Spring Break where the students conducted a series of robust independent…
Paper on crows by Postdoc David Toews
David mentored the first author, a UBC undergraduate, on this project that used remote field recordings near an urban roost in Vancouver to estimate roost departure time. They found that northwestern crows seemed to maintain a semi-natural circadian rhythm in their roost departures, even with strong variation between days in…
Galapagos update
Becca sees the (western) light!
Double congratulations to Kate Bemis!
Irby and Nick are in Galapagos
Advance welcome to Natalie Hofmeister!
Congratulations to Nick for a Student Research Fellowship from ASN
Congrats to three grads on Mellon Grant awards
Congratulations to grads Stepfanie Aguillon, Jake Berv, and Nick Mason, all of whom were awarded research grants from the CALS Mellon awards program in support of their different projects.
New paper co-authored by Ben Freeman in clutch size and elevation
Andy J. Boyce, Benjamin G. Freeman, Adam E. Mitchell, and Thomas E. Martin (2015) Clutch size declines with elevation in tropical birds. The Auk: April 2015, Vol. 132, No. 2, pp. 424-432. Clutch size commonly decreases with increasing elevation among temperate-zone and subtropical songbird species. Tropical songbirds typically lay small…
Important new paper on redpoll finch genomics
Nick Mason and Scott Taylor have an (I think) important new paper coming out in Molecular Ecology on the lack of genetic differentiation, but presence of gene expression differences, among redpoll finch “species.” The online-early version is here. Stay tuned for more posts on this study, complete with press releases.…
breaking news: new Patagonia field course in Fall 2015!
Irby and Leo will co-lead a new undergraduate seminar and field course entitled “Ecology and Conservation of Wildlife in the Neotropics” in Fall 2015. The course will meet throughout the Fall semester, and then have a two-week field learning component in wildlife-rich coastal Patagonia in January 2016. Students who want…
Stepfanie and Jake awarded travel grants from SSB
Congratulations to grads Stepfanie Aguillon and Jake Berv, who were both awarded significant travel grant to participate in NSF-supported workshops hosted by the Society of Systematic Biologists at this summer’s conference in Guaruja, Brazil.
New paper on warbler breeding biology by Sara Kaiser
Kaiser SA, Sillett TS, Risk BB, Webster MS. 2015 Experimental food supplementation reveals habitat-dependent male reproductive investment in a migratory bird. Proc. R. Soc. B 282: 20142523. http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rspb.2014.2523 Environmental factors can shape reproductive investment strategies and influ- ence the variance in male mating success. Environmental effects on extrapair paternity have…
Welcome to Luciano Calderón
We are enjoying a research visit by Dr. Luciano Calderón, who is a postdoctoral fellow at Justus Liebig University (Giessen, Germany) where he works with Dr. Petra Quillfeldt. Luciano is originally from Argentina, where he did his PhD on cormorant evolution under Dr. Pablo Tubaro at the Argentine Museum of…