Catalina Palacios at Evolution 2017

Catalina Palacios, a PhD student from Daniel Cadena’s lab group in Colombia, is finishing her six-month research visit by talking about the genomic results from her study of two hummingbird species. Catalina’s work shows how whole genome sequencing can help distinguish hummingbird species that resisted delimitation with other techniques (mtdna…

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New paper on turtle dove evolution

Visiting scientist Luciano Caldarón, our own Leo Campagna, and a cadre of collaborators just published a paper showing that the European Turtle Dove shows genetic evidence of a fluctuating demography over time, and is currently undergoing a shrinking phase. The combined effect of demography, habitat destruction and hunting is causing…

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New paper on goose phylogeography and conservation

New paper on goose phylogeography and conservation: In this paper, visiting researcher Cecilia Kopuchian (Centro de Ecología Aplicada del Litoral, Argentina) and Leo Campagna from our lab use genomic data to explore the history of colonization of the Malvinas/Falkland Islands by the Upland Goose (Chloephaga picta) and the Ruddy-headed Goose…

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Luciano Calderón at Argentina Evolution conference

Luciano Calderón at Argentina Evolution conference: visiting Lab researcher Luciano Calderón is talking today at the first-ever Argentine Evolution meeting (I Reunion Argentina de Biología Evolutiva, in Cordoba, Argentina) about the population genomics of turtle doves across Europe. Luciano visited Cornell in February and worked with postdoc Leo Campagna to…

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Sebastian Cabanne at Evolution: ddRAD studies of Neotropical forest birds

Sebastian Cabanne at Evolution: ddRAD studies of Neotropical forest birds. At the Evolution conference in Brazil, our visiting collaborator from Argentina — Sebastian Cabanne — presented his studies of divergence and gene flow among populations of several Neotropical birds. Some of the underlying data were generated by Sebastian and Leo…

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