We had a great semester of engagement with lots of Cornell undergraduates this Spring! In addition to the many less formal forms of instruction and mentoring to which everybody contributes, people from our group who were involved in official teaching and advising this semester included:
Stepfanie Aguillion: Stepfanie led the WRIT1430 writing seminar that is a core part of our Galápagos curriculum for freshmen.
Leo Campagna: Leo co-led (and also did all of the travel logistics) for Bioee2526, the second semester classroom component of our Patagonia field course (now informally titled “Field Biostats, with Penguins.”
Liz Fuller: Liz returned to offer through Bio1250 her inspiring field sketching and watercolor practicum for the students in our Galápagos curriculum.
Natalie Hoffmeister: Natalie led the Bioee1780 Writing-in-the-Majors class that is also a core part of our Galápagos curriculum.
Rox Razavi: Rox traveled to Patagonia with us on the field component of the Bioee2525/2526 classes and helped us with that very fun group of students.
David Toews: Dave ( aka Taylor:) ) also traveled to Patagonia with us on the field component of the Bioee2525/2526 classes.
Jen Walsh: Jen traveled with us to the Galápagos as the writing coach for the two Galápagos writing-oriented courses. She also led (through Bio1250) a very successful version of the Lab’s venerable Spring Field Ornithology course. The photo here is from that offering.
Irby Lovette: Irby was involved in organizing all of these offerings and helped lead the Patagonia and Galapagos classes. He was also the honors chair for the dozen graduating seniors in the Ecology and Evolution group who will graduate with research honors this year.