Congrats to Stepfanie on her newest paper!

First-year graduate student Stepfanie Aguillon has a new paper coming out in Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology: Aguillon, S.M. and R.A. Duckworth. 2015. Kin aggression and resource availability influence phenotype-dependent dispersal in a passerine bird. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. Abstract: Understanding the causes of dispersal is important as it strongly influences…

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Congrats to Nick for Outstanding Teaching

Congratulations to grad student Nick Mason for winning the Cornelia Ye Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award, which recognizes an outstanding TAs who has demonstrated excellence and dedication in their instructional responsibilities. This university-wide award honors the important contributions made by teaching assistants towards enhancing undergraduate and graduate education at Cornell University.…

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Scott’s newest paper is on the November cover of Evolution!

Taylor, S. A., Curry, R. L., White, T. A., Ferretti, V. and Lovette, I. (2014), Spatiotemporally consistent genomic signatures of reproductive isolation in a moving hybrid zone. Evolution, 68: 3066–3081. Abstract: Studies of hybrid zone dynamics often investigate a single sampling period and draw conclusions from that temporal snapshot. Stochasticity can,…

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Job opening: Curator of Birds and Mammals here at Cornell

Curatorial/Research Associate — Ornithology and Mammalogy Collections — Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology — Cornell University The Cornell University Museum of Vertebrates (CUMV) is seeking an ornithologist or mammalogist to curate and grow the collections through an organized program of accession involving Cornell students in all aspects of museum-based…

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Congrats to grad Jake Berv on his 1st first-authored paper!

And one on a spectacular avian radiation too: Berv, J. S., and R. O. Prum. 2014. A comprehensive multilocus phylogeny of the Neotropical cotingas (Cotingidae, Aves) with a comparative evolutionary analysis of breeding system and plumage dimorphism and a revised phylogenetic classification. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution.

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