Category: Publications
David on species limits in the Yellow-rumped Warbler complex

I’m tardy to post here that postdoc Dave Toews recently published an ornithologically quite noteworthy paper in the Auk: Ornithological Advances from his PhD work at the University of British Columbia with Darren Irwin. Their study found evidence of strongly heterogeneous genomic divergence between a number of groups in the…
Nick on AOS professional society trends and challenges

Nick on AOS professional society trends and challenges: Graduate student Nick Mason is the lead author on a paper out today that reports on a wide spectrum of trends and challenges related to membership in the American Ornithological Society. This survey was a major undertaking, the analyses are robust, and…
Natalie’s paper on starling adaptation is out in Ecology Letters

Grad student Natalie Hofmeister and former lab member Dustin Rubenstein just published a new paper in Ecology Letters on adaptation to environmental variability in African starlings. Natalie and Dustin show that variability in the environment of African starlings influences patterns of substitution in the glucocorticoid receptor, which allows organisms to…
Big news on winged warblers

Winged warblers: the story is out! David Toews’ presentation on the work he and Scott Taylor have led on the genomics of Blue- and Golden-winged Warblers played to a standing-room-only audience at the North American Ornithological Conference yesterday, and apparently there were many dozens of additional people left outside who…
Our new Handbook of Bird Biology is here!
Nick and collaborations in PNAS!

Congrats to grad student Nick Mason, lead author Kelly Zamudio, and former EEB PhD graduate Rayna Bell on their paper in the most recent issue of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences: Zamudio, K. R., Bell, R. C., & Mason, N. A. (2016). Phenotypes in phylogeography: Species’ traits, environmental…
Nick and collaborators on the taxonomy of true Tanagers
Kudos to grad student Nick Mason, his MS advisor Kevin Burns, and collaborator Phil Unitt for doing the hard work of turning their molecular phylogeny of the entire tanager radiation into a series of formal recommendations on the taxonomic nomenclature of this beautiful but complicated group. This is the kind…
Sapayoas are cool

Sapayoas are cool: a group of Cornell students including current senior Ben Van Doren and junior Sarah Djelski are getting some nice attention for their paper on the biology of the enigmatic Sapayoa, a little-known bird of Panama and northern South America that turns out to be the only representative…
New paper on goose phylogeography and conservation

New paper on goose phylogeography and conservation: In this paper, visiting researcher Cecilia Kopuchian (Centro de Ecología Aplicada del Litoral, Argentina) and Leo Campagna from our lab use genomic data to explore the history of colonization of the Malvinas/Falkland Islands by the Upland Goose (Chloephaga picta) and the Ruddy-headed Goose…
New paper on sparrow hybridization by postdoc Jen Walsh

New paper on sparrow hybridization by postdoc Jen Walsh: Jen just published a neat paper from her PhD work at UNH; study looks at the genetic interplay between hybridizing Saltmarsh and Nelson’s Sparrows and finds evidence for neutral diffusion of some regions; strong selection and local adaptation in other genomic…
A preview of a book to come…
John Sullivan discovers and describes a new genus
Dispatch in Current Biology by Leo Campagna

Dispatch in Current Biology by Leo Campagna: A review of the work by Tuttle et al. (2016) Current Biology on the origin and possible fate of a fascinating supergene that determines the coloration and mating behavior of a widespread North American bird. Accompanying artwork is by Liz Fuller, a Bartels…
Undergrad field course leads to publication in PLOS

Congratulations to course organizers/leaders Ben Freeman and Alexa Class Freeman, and to the student co-authors, for the first of several scientific papers arising out of their Spring 2015 Advanced Tropical Ornithology course. Back at the curriculum review stage there was some healthy push-back when peer-reviewed student publications were suggested as…
Postdocs Scott and Leo in Science on Avian Supergenes
Ben Freeman in AmNat on elevational zonation

Grad Student Ben Freeman, a member of our lab group who is advised by John Fitzpatrick, has a new paper out in American Naturalist entitled Competitive interactions upon secondary contact drive elevational divergence in tropical birds. The popular summary from the AmNat site: Why do related tropical montane birds live…
Emma et al. make the cover of Evolution

Congrats to Emma, Dan, and Mike for having their study (and their really angry-looking fairy-wren) featured on the most recent cover of Evolution! Greig, E. I., Baldassarre, D. T. and Webster, M. S. (2015), Differential rates of phenotypic introgression are associated with male behavioral responses to multiple signals. Evolution, 69:…
Lovette lab Post Docs and Students Publish New Review on Methods and Applications in Avian Genomics

Required reading on avian genomics… Marshaling a diverse group of co-authors, post-docs Dave Toews, Scott Taylor and Leonardo Campagna spearheaded the publication of a new synthetic review in the Auk: Ornithological Advances on genomic applications in avian systems. Lab PhD students Nicolas Mason and Petra Deane-Coe are also co-authors on…
Lots of great press for Jake’s Nature paper!

Here is just a small sample of links to third-party commentaries and articles on Jake’s avian phylogeny study: