Grants to Grads

Grants to Grads: congratulations to graduate student Natalie Hoffmeister for a substantial travel award from the Einaudi Center for International Studies for her forthcoming pilot study of local adaptation in Argentinian seabirds, and similar congratulations to graduate student Stepfanie Aguillon for a substantial Peacock Award from the Garden Society of…

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Undergrad field course leads to publication in PLOS

Congratulations to course organizers/leaders Ben Freeman and Alexa Class Freeman, and to the student co-authors, for the first of several scientific papers arising out of their Spring 2015 Advanced Tropical Ornithology course. Back at the curriculum review stage there was some healthy push-back when peer-reviewed student publications were suggested as…

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Congratulations to Natalie for EEB presentation award

Congratulations to grad student Natalie Hofmeister for winning the first-year award for best presentation at the 40th annual Cornell EEB research symposium. Natalie talked about her MS project on Environmental fluctuations influence the evolution of the glucocorticoid receptor in African starlings.

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Lots of great press for Jake’s Nature paper!

Here is just a small sample of links to third-party commentaries and articles on Jake’s avian phylogeny study:

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Congrats to Jake Berv for his major paper in Nature on avian relationships!

Congratulations to grad student Jake Berv and his co-authors for their important paper on the avian tree of life, which came out this week in Nature! The paper is open-access and the link is here: A comprehensive phylogeny of birds (Aves) using targeted next-generation DNA sequencing Although reconstruction of…

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